Creative Office
Culture Flow


In our blog we will share with you short stories about design and ergonomics, studies related to the office environment, technologies and trends, information about our products, projects and campaigns. Hopefully what inspires us will inspire you too! Enjoy reading!


When people asked one of the richest men Warren Buffett, what makes him a successful investor and what he does different from the others, they discover that he follows the best practices. ‘Yes, I do things the way they should be done’ answered Buffett. Although it makes sense and sounds easy, when we look at the facts we see that what’s needed is discipline and persistence so that you have the right solid foundation. Ficosota Syntez is one example of a Bulgarian company that do things the right way. The different energy created by the people and the place can be felt from the entrance.

Here is what Yordan Kalchev, Business Unit Manager, and Ganimir Vangelov, one of the newest recruits for the company, shared with Workspace about the third spaces and Zen feeling of working in such an office.

Y.K: We never say we are going to work – we are not workers more like comrades. We are coming to the office but the traditional meaning is absent. We have a Zen garden, living room, kitchen, terrace and swings.
A person is most productive when he or she alternates work with breaks. Every hour we should stand and move. A space that allows you to be with your thoughts or sit down in an informal setting with your team, discuss a topic with a colleague, talk privately on the phone, eat or even relax watching TV or the view outside – is absolutely necessary to collect your thoughts and recharging your batteries. Even just passing by these places helps me unwind. I think this is the main purpose of these places – clearing your mind and being able to just chill out. The main tasks are for your work space. When you have the setting to relax and work at the same place you keep your conditioning longer. Often it can happen for us to stay after work hours in order to solve a task. And it’s not something that stresses us. We do it in one of these places.
I feel free even at the work place though. The office itself is designed as a creative environment. The smaller the formal hierarchy the better. There are no people in the company that want to keep their distance. Barriers can only prevent successful work. When you know your responsibilities there is no need to hear daily where you stand, who your senior manager is and who’s responsible for what. The idea is for people to feel good. When people from outside come into our office they are surprised ‘Look you have sheep and a garden. You have everything even a living room.’ We impress everyone. I don’t know what more can be added – maybe a view of a lake in Switzerland?

G.V.: When I entered for the first time, the office really made an impression. I have never seen such a place. The energy itself. A person that builds such an office has to have flexible thinking. This is part of what makes you decide whether you want to work for a company. My previous employer had an office an oppressive building that weighted its employees down. The environment is of great importance.

Y.K.: Both space and people connect and share a common energy. One is a reflection of the other – of the people, the character and the emotional levels. People say ‘You become what you deal with.’ Same thing goes to work. Everything is essential to your mind set.

G.V.: According to Fung Chui everything has to have 5 elements in a single space – fire, earth, metal, wood, and water. We have all of this – light and warmth, earth with flowers and even sand, wood, metal and an aquarium with fish. We have the freedom to do our work whenever we feel comfortable, even the swings.
Y.K. Swinging has both physical and psychological aspect – calms you down, brings security and harmonizes the energy of your body and soul.  G.V. I like most the Zen garden, but Jordan doesn't let me touch ...

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