Products / Ergonomic Desks
Abak Environments is a system that has highly versatile application that can be attached to any surface with the help of beam or performance wall.
Brand: Herman Miller
Designer: Tim Wallace
Warranty: 12-year, 3-shift
Brand: Herman Miller
Designer:Tim Wallace
AbakEnvironments can be a single desk or clusters that utilize the system’s flexibility and adaptability to the environment using the space in the most effective way and allowing open communication while at the same time keeping the privacy needed for individual work. Abak offers amazing solutions for any office setting – work areas, meeting and conference rooms.
The central part of the design are the two beams that serve as a base to the top, that make it very stable and at the same time elegant and allow for multiple combinations and configurations.
The legs can be connected to both 90 and 120 degrees for the beams. Along with the accessories such as work surfaces, screens, monitor arms, performance walls and cable management the options are limitless – this allows for an unmatched adaptability and flexibility.