Lounge Areas / Canteen & Bar Chairs
Stand-up can be placed in communication areas where it attracts people with its colors and cheerful presence.The stool is designed to both accomodate spontaneous meetings and put more dynamincs into the office environment.
Brand: Wilkhahn
Designer: Thorsten Franck
Brand: Wilkhahn
Designer: Thorsten Franck
Stand-up is designed to make the sitter sit actively allowing the body to move and communication to flow easily. The chair engages the joints and muscles while strengthening them. The stool returns to its original position once the sitter leaves it. Stand-up is a fun feature to the serious work environment.
Stand-up looks like an ice cream cone covered in fabric that complements the work environment with its vibrant colors. The stool is made of polypropylene while the cylinder and steel weight at the lower part make sure that it returns to its original vertical position. Stand-up weighs 4.5kg with a strap that allows easy relocation across rooms.

Stan-up –